
New in the shop

Starting in 2000 I ran an experimental art & design website by the name of NinjaCruise.com. Largely fueled by a desire to apply rapidly evolving technology to my artistic being, a nd find my place within that world, the website eventually gathered a following and propelled my work throughout the globe. I was suddenly collaborating with fellow creatives, galleries, agencies and publications from all over the world. These new items in the shop bring back some of that visual language – a style and aesthetic that crossed the lines between fine art, graphic design and illustration.

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All works on this website are copyright protected with all rights reserved, permission for any and all use including prepress and electronic must be granted by the artist

Video Credits: “Matthew Curry - Day in the Life” by  RUN RIOT

︎ | boyvsdragon@gmail.com

︎| Washington, D.C.