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Matthew Curry illustrates owl for Founder’s Collection Mint Pass NFTs®

Myself and 13 artists were commissioned by Niftorian to create our own interpretation of an Owl.

Niftorian NFTs represent a commitment to art and artists. It seemed only natural to create a way to showcase more artists during the project launch. So, we commissioned 14 artists to create stunning Founder's Collection Mint Pass NFTs which will become their own NFT collection. Founder's Collection Mint Pass NFT owners will be eligible to mint up to 3 Niftorian NFTs prior to the public mint. Avoid the gas wars and own a piece of lit art forever.

︎ Niftorian
All works on this website are copyright protected with all rights reserved, permission for any and all use including prepress and electronic must be granted by the artist

Video Credits: “Matthew Curry - Day in the Life” by  RUN RIOT

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︎| Washington, D.C.