art, design, illustration, music packaging
Inspired by a shared appreciation of The Beatles Revolver album cover by Klaus Voorman, Neal Ashby and design partner Matthew Curry attempted a true collaboration: both artists served as illustrator and designer, handing the storyline and digital files back and forth, over and over, until the lines between design and illustration were blurred. The package went on to be nominated for the Grammy® Award for Best Recording Package.

Continuing our design relationship with electronic duo Thievery Corporation, the latest package design direction was inspired by the orchestration that accompanies the music. The visual narrative of butterflies moving through the void of space to find lush organic worlds is the collaborative illustration of Matt Curry and Neal Ashby.︎Launch Case Study

Matthew Curry (boy vs dragon) was selected by Intel as an important young American artist utilizing technology through artistry. My work was discovered through a relationship with the San Francisco Art Gallery, “the beholder” curated by the wonderful Suzanne Shade.︎Launch Case Study

I was brought in to collaborate with Integer Dallas in developing a modular system of graphic narratives to coincide with brand stories. The end result was a series of illustrations that could be interchangeable - to accommodate not only the conceptual narrative, but the physical spaces they needed to occupy.︎Launch Case Study

three days grace
For Three Day’s Grace’s record: “HUMAN” I was commissioned to create a visual language of bio-mechanical automotons and the environment they inhabit. The final result was an aesthetic that illustrated the conceptual narratives of the album but also matched the aggressive sound of the band.This was a collaboration with the art directors at Sony Music and the band. The final pieces included: Vinyl, CD Digipak, Posters and animation.︎Launch Case Study

I was asked to create artwork and graphics for the snowboard company monument. Monument worked with designers and artists from all over the world to cultivate a unique stable of product and graphic offerings.︎Launch Case Study

Inspired by a shared appreciation of The Beatles Revolver album cover by Klaus Voorman, Neal Ashby and design partner Matthew Curry attempted a true collaboration: both artists served as illustrator and designer, handing the storyline and digital files back and forth, over and over, until the lines between design and illustration were blurred. The package went on to be nominated for the Grammy® Award for Best Recording Package.︎Launch Case Study

esl music
In addition, to designing for ESL Music staples ThieveryCorporation, Matthew Curry (boyvsdragon), Neal Ashby and Patrick Donohue (ashbydesign) served as the art department for the Washington, D.C. record label. This included creating assets and collateral for touring posters,tshirts and merchandise, music video graphics, album artwork and music packaging design for the artists on the record label.︎Launch Case Study

This internal project is an exercise in digital juxtaposition. Utilizing flattened, rasterized, image files, audio samples and animation, mergevisible serves up science fiction landscapes paired with endless digital looping algorithms. A case in digital recycling, mergevisible also serves as the audio production entity within the studio, providing an outlet for collaboration with other artists, and musicians.︎follow on Instagram
All works on this website are copyright protected with all rights reserved, permission for any and all use including prepress and electronic must be granted by the artist
Video Credits: “Matthew Curry - Day in the Life” by RUN RIOT
Video Credits: “Matthew Curry - Day in the Life” by RUN RIOT
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︎| Washington, D.C.
︎| Washington, D.C.